Bài nghe được thu âm bởi thầy Callum Nguyen, mọi thắc mắc hoặc nhu cầu hợp tác vui lòng liên hệ tại đây Bạn cũng có thể đăng ký khóa học của thầy trên Edumall, Unica hoặc Kyna
Advertising is defined as the paid, non-personal form of communication about products or ideas by an identified sponsor through the mass media so as to inform, persuade or influence the behaviour of the target audience.
Advertising is directed to a large number of people and not to one individual. That is why we call it non-personal. It may inform us about the features of the new iPod or a new smart phone or spell out the need to have a cancer check-up.
Relative to other marketing and communication methods, most specifically public relations, advertising messages are largely in the control of the advertisers. When you pay a medium to place your message, you typically have ultimate control over the position, timing and construct of your ad. This allows your business to develop the right messages, and which media best reach the intended audience.
As noted, you have a number of media options in delivering advertising. Essentially, any communication channel where multiple people congregate is a possibility. Additionally, you can present messages one time, multiple times or tell a long-running story through an ad campaign. This allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your ads and make ongoing adjustments. You can also choose between long-term, brand messaging which helps you develop an image for your brand, or short-term promotions to attract immediate traffic and sales.
The most obvious drawback of advertising is the costs. Large companies invest millions of dollars a year in advertising. Television ads are very expensive. Production costs range from $100,000 to $500,000 for national ads, and placement can be as much as $500,000 for a 30-second prime-time spot on national network. Small companies are usually even more limited. Budgets of a few thousand dollars are typical for some small, local companies. This immediately eliminates TV options and leaves companies hunting for inexpensive media such as local newspapers and radio.
Companies have been increasingly concerned with accountability and return on investment in advertising. This is especially true when they hire ad agencies to develop and deliver campaigns. To succeed, companies often spend even more money in market research.
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