Bài mẫu được viết thầy Peter Wright, cựu giám khảo IELTS với 25 năm kinh nghiệm với BC và IDP. Ghé thăm blog của thầy tại Total – IELTS . Nếu bạn có thắc mắc cần được giải đáp, hãy bình luận ở bên dưới nhé.
People are not exercising regularly, even though they know it is beneficial for their health. Why is this a problem? What can be done to tackle it?
Despite the physical and psychological benefits that exercise can bring, citizens are not doing physical activities on a regular basis. The essay with detail the issues of this type of practice along with measures that can be taken to encourage a more active and healthier lifestyle.
There are a multitude of problems that can arise when someone does not do regular exercise. First of all, a sedentary lifestyle has been shown to increase the likelihood of heart problems, particularly for the elderly. The heart is a muscle and needs to be exercised through aerobic activities such as brisk walking, running or swimming. Failure to do so will result in an impaired circulatory system. In addition, unhealthy mental emotions such as feeling lethargic or depressed can, to some extent, be overcome with exercise even if it is only for a few minutes a day.
Education and funding are the keys to having a more active population. In my country physical education at school is usually neglected in the curriculum and underfunded. If more resources and value were given to this subject, school children would grow up with the awareness of the positive benefits of exercise. Similarly, the government and local authorities should fund and promote initiatives that encourage more people to exercise such as venues for senior citizens where they can socialize and do physical activities.
In conclusion, the inactive lifestyle that many people live today results in physical and mental health issues. Educating citizens, starting at school, about the benefits of exercise along with providing the funds to provide facilities are a few of the possible solutions.
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