How do you celebrate festivals in your country?
There’re a range of festivals in my country throughout the year. I would say I often celebrate those special events with my family. Here in Vietnam we got Spring Festival, Mid-autumn festival, Hung King’s festival, and so on. I love spending the quality time with my family, big meals, family reunion, that’s what I love about the festivals.
What special food and activities do you have for these festivals?
This is an interesting question. As far as I know, we don’t have some typical foods or activities for all the festivals because each one is very different from another. Say, for Mid-autumn festival, we tend to buy and eat Moon cake and go out on the streets to watch lion dance. Kids would dress up with a mask on, pretty much like Halloween.
How do you celebrate Spring Festivals?
Well, I have to say this is my absolute favorite festival. Normally, I get long holidays for this, around 7 days. It’s a perfect time for family reunion, visiting friends and relatives. We love spending time cleaning, decorating the houses, and preparing the best meals. Spring Festival in Vietnam is more or less the same as Christmas in Western culture.
What is your favorite festival of the year?
As I already mentioned, it’s definitely Spring Festival, or Tet holiday, mostly because I have time to relax, to visit friends and family, and to travel a bit. Also, this festival marks the end of a year and the beginning of a new one. We all have some hopes and faith in the better future in the new year.
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